Interview: My Experience as a Donor-Conceived Child in an LGBTQ+ Family

Image of the guest authorwritten by Emilia as a guest authorAugust 10, 2024
Image of Emilia, a donor-conceived child from an LGBTQ+ family

Hey, I’m Emilia, and I have a rather extraordinary story to share with you. Imagine growing up in a family that doesn't quite fit the classic mold – two mothers, a twin brother, and a mysterious donor I've never met. Sounds intriguing, right? For me, it was the most normal thing in the world. In this blog, I’ll take you on a journey through my life as a donor-conceived child in an LGBTQ+ family – a story full of love, challenges, and the realization that family is more than what meets the eye.

How Did My Journey as a Donor-Conceived Child Begin?

"My journey as a donor-conceived child began even before I was born, when my mothers Lena and Sophie decided to fulfill their desire to have children through sperm donation. Their decision to start a family was driven by courage and a deep desire for togetherness – values that have guided me throughout my life."

Who Are My Mothers and How Did They Meet?

"Lena and Sophie met during their studies in Aarhus, Denmark. Their love was strong and unmistakable, and after a few years of being together, they decided to start a family. Despite the legal hurdles at the time, they never lost faith that love is the most important foundation for a family."

The Path to Sperm Donation – Our Experiences

"The process of sperm donation was not without challenges. Emotional highs and lows marked my mothers' journey. But after an initial setback and a miscarriage, the happy day arrived when my brother Fabian and I were born. This experience taught us all that it is worth fighting for your dreams."

Growing Up in an LGBTQ+ Family – My Perspective

"For me, it was always normal to grow up in a family with two mothers. Lena and Sophie have always supported us and helped us understand our identity as donor-conceived children. The openness and honesty with which they raised us gave me the strength to stand proudly by my family."

Challenges and Prejudices We Faced

"Of course, there were challenges as well. At school, my brother and I were often asked who our father was. These questions were not always easy to answer, but we learned to cope and be proud of our family. Our mothers taught us how important it is to stand by yourself and your family, no matter what others think."

How Has My View of My Family Changed Over Time?

"Over the years, I have come to realize how strong and unique our family is. I am incredibly proud of the path my mothers have taken. Today, I better understand how valuable their decisions were and the strength they demonstrated to give us this life."

Have I Searched for My Biological Father or Possible Half-Siblings?

"So far, I haven’t done that. I feel complete and happy within my family. But I also respect the need of other donor-conceived children to learn more about their biological origins. I am active in online groups and stay informed in case anyone wishes to contact us."

What Does My Future Look Like Regarding Family Planning?

"My partner and I have been together for over three years, and we dream of starting our own family one day. We are open to all possibilities, including egg or sperm donation, if necessary. For us, it is clear that love and commitment will be the foundation of our future family."


At the end of the day, my story as a donor-conceived child in an LGBTQ+ family has taught me that there is no perfect formula for what makes a family. It’s not the genes or societal expectations that matter, but the love, togetherness, and strength that carry us through life's challenges. I hope my experiences inspire you and show that every family, no matter how unconventional, is valuable and unique. Stay curious, open, and above all: Believe in the power of love.